Saturday, July 9, 2011

Evil InFamous

So as I was trying to get all the trophies for InFamous I realized that I had to start a new game and play the "evil" side of the game.  It is a completely different game if you play and make all evil decisions! The powers are different, the story line is slightly different, the side missions are different, most of the dialogue is different, and even your character's appearance changes! I was impressed after seeing this.

The character takes on a dark look which is extremely cool compared to the good side.  Most of your friend's dialogue is telling you that you look dark and that your powers are taking over you whereas the good side, they love that you use your powers for good. There are advantages to playing both sides and there are negatives but I won't spoil the game too much for those who haven't played it.

The only bad thing about going to the dark side is that you don't receive as much XP for killing foes and it is impossible to achieve all the stunts.  One of the stunts requires you to stick an enemy with a grenade and precision shoot him before it blows up but on the evil side, the grenades don't stick. They burst into 3, 5, or 7 other grenades on impact depending on which upgrade you purchase.

Now that I have played the evil side as well, I highly recommend playing this game because whatever type of player you are, I guarantee this game has it.

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